Sunday, June 29, 2014

Back from the dead....sort of

Wow. Ok, long time no blog lol.
All I can say, is Life. Nothing super new since I posted last time. Might be getting into nursing school this fall, but not 100% sure just yet. Still waiting to finish the whole application processing ...process. The university is from Florida, so considering I am in the Denver area, it takes a little bit of time. Should be there already, however.

Anyhoo, yea. I normally post fitness stuffs, so lets start with that. I have been working on building lots of muscle lately. Lots of heavy lifting, and just some cardio. The downside to 'bulking' is you are consuming more calories so that you have the energy needed to lift like that, so you do gain fat along with the muscle. I have gone from 170 to 188. Keep in mind too, my doctor has been along for this ride with me, so everything is in good order too. I know 20lbs sounds like a lot, and it is, but for the most part my measurements have stayed the same. Tummy and hips took a bit of a hit, but that just proves that there is a lot of muscle building going on.
Now, it is time for my 'cutting' phase. I am going to be lifting still to maintain the muscle I have built,  but doing ALOT more cardio and interval training to lose the fluff over my hard earned tuff.

I have been being as active as I can lately. I did the annual heart walk a while ago, I am running the color run in August, and I am signed up for the Tough Mudder in September. Pretty excited, a little nervous for the last one. I still need to make reservations at the place my team is staying.

I really don't know what else to tell ya. I just got home from my 3rd 12hr night shift, and I am not sure if I want to stay up and try to study for my exam, or if I should sleep. If I sleep, I may not get up until really late. I don't like that, not a fan.

Well, thats all for now folks. Until next time, may Goth be with you!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Not really a resolution...

Hey guys, long time no talk. The holidays are always really busy. Now that I work in health care,  the hours I work are retarded.

Anyway. Finished out last semester with a B and hi C. Pathophysiology and clinical calculations start on the 20th. In between these semesters, I have been very busy. I got the green light from my folks to stay in their house during nursing school. Logical thing to do. However, the room that is mine, well, hasnt been updated since 1963. Needless to say it needed some tlc. I picked a grey purple paint color, bought some fabric to make curtains out of (still need hemmed, machine broke), a new desk and chair with bulletin boards to keep me on task. I'll post pics below.

Aside from that, after a new doctor and many tests, I discovered I have hypothyroidism and a hemangioma tumor in my leg. Dont worry, the tumor isnt dangerous. The hypothyroidism though,  that could explain why all my efforts to workout like crazy and eat clean has gotten me nowhere. Its been 2 months since I started meds for it, now its at normal levels. That being said lets try this weight loss thing again.

Now, its not a resolution,  it just conveniently happened now. Not gonna lie, I spent some money on a few sets of dumbbells and whatnot. Jon hurt his back at work, we havent been to the gym in a long time. I want something I can use at home. Other than running and weights, I might get some resistance bands.

No other news really. Insomnia is back. Thats annoying. Need to work on my hair too. Yea. Anyway, breakfast time.
May goth be with you!