Monday, October 21, 2013

skinny water

Hey guys! Today I went cruising around target just mainly for halloween stuff, but what I found sparked my memory of something I have wanted to have for a long time. I found one of those water pitchers with a removable fruit infuser. I've always seen these skinny water posts everywhere and while I'm skeptical about it helping with weight loss,  (I'm in the medical industry, show me the peer reviewed scientific research article first) its still a great idea for anyone who has a hard time drinking enough daily water. However, every time I had looked for one of these pitchers, they were all $30 or more. Wasn't worth it. The one I bought today at target... $15. Done. I rushed it home, washed it, then busted out my limes, lemons, and cucumber.

Simple enough, just slice thin and place them in. For those of you who aren't citrus fans, try different fruits. Strawberries, apples, mint, ginger, etc. It's hard to mess up. Anyway, im back on the grind of healthy living. It totally takes practice, just keep at it.
I have to go. Homework time. May goth be with you!


  1. How coooolll!!!! I must get one next month to try this out!!

  2. its so worth it, doing strawberries and raspberries right now
